12 Apr 2011

Location: Café TomTom Rotterdam

Indonesian Artist and Music
The Proces of Batikpainting
West Javanese Cuisine

Leo Hermawan
Deborah Hoffman
Ida Nuraida
Ade Sujana

Batik Artist 
Yossy Yosfiarso

West Javanese Cuisine
Janie van der Valk

DJ Java Malam
Iwan Setiawan

Performed by: 
Sheena Jansen, Ed van der Valk, 
Yans Suryana, Irwan van Wingerden, Aang Arsad

Audio System: Duo Penotti    Cooperation: Café TomTom  
Presented by: Iwan Setiawan

Entrance euro 3,50
Free entrance for children

Kapasitas tempat untuk 150 orang
Capacity place for 150 people